Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Shortly before American Thanksgiving, Yosh-sensei approached me to discuss the oral exam for the first years.  Each student was to meet individually with me and DL, and Yosh wondered what the rest of the class would do while they were waiting.  "Well," I said, "I was thinking we'd do some sort of Thanksgiving worksheet or puzzle."  "Ah. Hmm," came the response with a side tilt of the head (a dead giveaway of disapproval).  I waited.  "I was thinking..." he said with a glint in his eye, "they could make CHRISTMAS cards!!" I opened my mouth to point out that it was still November, and then realized that this was a meaningless battle, and in fact, introducing Christmas before Thanksgiving was entirely culturally appropriate considering that most American stores had their Christmas decorations out before Halloween. So instead I said, "That sounds great.  I'll bring the paper and markers."   

And so I sit, with a stack of 120 Christmas cards on my desk, many of which are absolute gems.  Hallmark should market these, if not for the aesthetics, then for the wonderful wording and sentiment.  Please enjoy.
This card was drawn by one of my favorite students.  When I told him the difference between "Marry" and "Merry," he slapped his forehead and said, "Mistake! Big Mistake!" When he handed in his card, he had added Santa hauling an "E" to replace the "A." Ingenious. 
"Let's party. Today comes Santasan."
When the student turned this in, she made a big deal of showing me the Christmas "moncky"
Front of the card.
Inside says: "It's unbearably cold."
A bunch of boys got together to draw this one.  I'm not sure why Santa looks like The Gimp from Pulp Fiction. Or why he has a sword.
"Merry Christmas. Christmas will be on Tuesday this year.  I wish you a Merry Christmas!"
Written by one of the boys.  "Thank you! I enjoyed date with you. I'll send this card with a gift for you. I hope you happy."
"Dear Ms. Erizubesu, I go to dinner with me. Let's a party."

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