Foreigners are particularly prone to being KY, especially cultures that are accustomed to communicating in a "shoot from the hip" manner. This straightforwardness can come off as aggressive or confrontational to the Japanese, who try to evade such rudeness by avoiding saying things that are negative, like the word, "No." It takes time and experience to be able to "read the air" and fathom what's going on in these nebulous situations.
For example, you might approach your boss with a proposal and receive the response, "Hmm, muzukashii" (difficult). But what does that mean? Where on the yes-no-maybe spectrum does that fall? If you answered, "no," then you're correct. "Muzukashii" is code for, "Nope. Not going to happen." This ambiguity is meant in the nicest way possible, allowing people to save face. However, it can be frustrating for those who can't read the signs and just want a clear cut answer. JETs have dozens of stories in this vein, from asking for feedback on their teaching and being told they were doing fine and didn't need to improve, to questioning a compliment someone paid them and wondering if it was really a backhanded criticism (it's usually not a good sign when someone says, "Oh, that skirt is interesting," or, "You wear such bright shirts.") Thus, it is nearly impossible to get certain kinds of feedback in Japanese society, or even to learn peoples' opinions on particular topics. So I was surprised at my most recent meeting with the grannies, when they began to hold forth on foreign policy.
The conversation started when Current Events Granny said, out of the blue, "Obama doesn't care about America's relationship with Japan." Taken aback, I looked around the table to gauge the others' reaction, and found them all nodding vigorously, saying, "Yes! It's true, isn't it, Eri-sensei?" Current Events Granny continued, "He only cares about China and South Korea! I know that Japan's economy is not good. It is a big worry. I know that our population is getting smaller, but..." The end to this sentence was clear: "But he should take us seriously!" Apparently the country was chapped when the American government didn't come out with a stronger stance against China's aggression over the Senkaku Islands. Never mind that nothing and no one lives there and the "islands" are essentially two barren rocks. Pride is everything.
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The source of all the trouble: Senkaku Islands |
However, the group will be happy to know that Japan's refusal to go quietly into that goodnight is being noticed by the Western world. The Japanese military is starting to reach out to some of its Pacific neighbors (and beyond) to train foreign militaries in Japanese tactics and strategies. It should be noted that the readiness with which some of these countries have accepted Japan's overtures (many of whom had less than pleasant experiences under Japanese imperialism) is a testament to just how nervous China makes everyone. It will be fascinating to see what comes of these collaborations, and what, if any, effect it will have on diplomacy in Asia, not to mention the Japanese military. Will they expand their defense systems, or will things remain as they are?
On their recent visit to Japan, my aunt and uncle spoke frequently of their need "to visit TOTO-san." TOTO is the leading manufacturer of Washlet toilets in Japan, which are some of the most technologically advanced thrones in the business. Seriously, the number of buttons on a Japanese toilet make you feel as though you're sitting in the cockpit of a spaceship.
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